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Range Rover , Land Rover and German Cars Brake Services


Brake Pad Replacement + Brake Disc Turning 

Bring your car in vogue auto services we will examine the entire brake system of your vehicle.
your brake system in a critical safety feature in your car

If your brake inspection uncovers any wear, damage or problem

Our auto care brake system service includes:

1. worn pads and shoes Replaced
2. Brake disk polish & Replaced
3.wheel bearing replace as needed
4.lubrication for specified component 
5.Rotor and drum resurfacing ( may need replacement if wear is excessive)
6.Replacement of other components based on findings of inspection
7.Old brake fluid is replaced with fresh fluid 
8.Adjust parking brake 
9.Road test to ensure the entire braking system is operating properly

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What are the five keys to brake maintenance:

1. Check brake pads and rotors
2.Flush your brake Fluid 
3.Bleed the brake lines
4. Replace or Upgrade brake parts
5. Braking system care 

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How can we help you at VOUGE AUTO SERVICES 

  • Brake disc and brake pad replacement in dubai, al qouz-3

  • Antilock brake system

  • Flush your brake Fluid

  •  Replace or Upgrade brake parts


Trust us for Brake Repair of your Range Rover ,Jaguar, Mercedes,BMW,Audi or other Luxury car


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